3211 Lina Place Cincinnati, OH, 45239 Practices are Mondays from 6:30 to 8:00. Arrive 6:00 - 6:15 to gear up, warm up and be ready to go at 6:30. Enter through the back/side door (facing the gas station). NOTE: You are welcome to come to a practice to watch and talk to us in person if that would be useful to you or your skater. Just reach out to let us know you are coming and to make sure we do have practice that day. WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO JOIN?New skater onboarding is during weeks 1 and 6 of each session. There are no tryouts, however, coaches will determine when you are ready to roster for games. We have instructors who specifically work with and help each type of skater from the smallest, youngest and newest skaters on down to the oldest and most experienced skaters.
NOTE: Make sure you can at least skate in a circle without holding on to the walls before joining. Additional skills that will make you ready for games (from stops and falls to skating backwards) can be learned while practicing with the team. We highly recommend working on your skating skills outside of practice as well, at open skates, and participating in skating lessons offered by THE PLACE (where we practice). WHAT ARE THE SKILL REQUIREMENTS?In junior derby there are three levels:
We hold written, speed, and skills testing to move up in levels, and hold games for L3 and L2. When you qualify for games is up to the coaches based on the player's level, ability, open roster spots, and the team we are facing, but we try to create game opportunities for all of our skaters. |
Ohio state law requires athletes (and a parent/guardian) to watch this 17 minute "Lindsay Law" video (below) and sign that you have done so. The document to sign is included in the REGISTRATION PACKET.
All members of the team must have read, signed, and completed all forms in the REGISTRATION PACKET (PDF) available by contacting the Membership Director (see below). The registration packet includes: